Medicine On Time

What is Medicine-On-Time® 

Remembering which medications to take and when can be a hassle. Let us simplify your routine with Medicine-On-Time®! You’ll only have one monthly stop to your pharmacy while having your medications expertly prepared by your pharmacist.

It's a Pill Cup

Each individual pill cup contains all the medications you should take at a specific time of day and is verified by your pharmacist to ensure accuracy. Each pill cup is labeled with the date and time to take them.

It’s a calendar

The dosage cups are arranged like a calendar and separated by the time of day you take your medicine! The different times of day are color coded.

Refill Synchronization

When you use our Medicine-On-Time® system, all that is taken care of for you! We automatically prepare your medications well in advance of when you’ll need them each month including contacting your doctor’s office for refills. 

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